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Donation Total: $100.00

About Us

Youth Welfare Association Youngson Abad 371

Youth Welfare Association Youngson Abad 371 (YWAY 371) is Serving since 1988 in Youngson Abad , Martin Pur and surrounding areas of District Nankana Sahib Punjab, Pakistan. We are an inter-denominational Christian and multi-task NGO. We are working for humanity without any discrimination. Our Motto is Harmony and Mutual Uplift and our Values are Love, Respect and Sharing. Bible, Matthew, 25:35-46
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The ways to help others in the best possible way

There are numerous ways you can help, from financial contributions and volunteering to donating essential items and spreading awareness about our cause.

Gul Irfan Khan

Chairman YWAY

Gul Imran Khan

Project & Finance Manager

Nasir Bhatti

General Secretary

Asher John

Board Chairman

Gul Zaman Khan

S.V. President

Sadiq Masih

Secretary Board

Zarik John

Finance Assistant

Mzher Sadiq

Joint Secretary

Younas Akbar

V. President

A concrete help for a better and kind world


Donation Info

Your donations fund vital programs in education, health, and community development, making a real difference in people's lives.


How we work

We operate with transparency and dedication, ensuring that all contributions are used effectively to support our mission of harmony and mutual uplift.


Possibility of help

There are numerous ways you can help, from financial contributions and volunteering to donating essential items and spreading awareness about our cause.


How we help

We provide educational support, healthcare services, microfinance, and community activities to improve the quality of life for those in need.